Phone: 5129652209


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. University of Texas at Austin 2014

Preston Stolte

I graduated from the University of Texas in December 2014 with a B.A. from the Plan II Honors Program. While coaching debate during college I have coached numerous UIL State finalists, TFA state champions, and national qualifiers. As the coach at Churchill, we have had multiple students qualify to TFA State, UIL State, and NSDA Nationals every year that I have been at the school. 

Class Schedule

  • 3--Varsity debate (MWF)

    4--Varisty Debate (MWF)

    5--Novice Debate (TTH)

    6--Professional Communication (TTH)

    7--Novice Debate (TTH)


    tutoring/office hours: T-F 8:30-9:30 and M-F 3-4 pm