Arrange a Visit

All NEISD campuses have an administrative office that can help you plan your visit. You can arrange to have an individual campus tour or join in with other families and interested students.

Tours are intended for parents and guardians of potential NEISD students.

Please Note: Our principal would love to meet you. They will try their best to greet you at some point during your tour when/if scheduling and circumstances permit.

  • What to Expect

    Most campus visits will include the following:

    • Information Session:  A campus representative and a grade level specific Student 2 Student (S2S) will talk to you or your group about the school and its unique opportunities offered on campus.
    • Campus Tour: You’ll see the main parts of the campus and have a chance to ask questions.

    If you have any specific areas of interest, be sure to let the campus know, so that they can try to accommodate.

    For Questions

    For questions, please call 210-407-8800.