TRS Steps for Retirement

  • This timeline is meant to be a general example of the retirement process. Your specific timeline may differ. Planning ahead can help ensure a smooth transition into retirement. TRS experiences a high volume of retirements during the months of May through August. Don’t delay!

Step 1

10-12 MONTHS prior to retirement:
  • Use the Retirement Calculator in MyTRS
  • FORM TRS 18—Request for Estimate of Retirement Benefits

Complete and submit. TRS will mail retirement packet within 60 days.

  • Watch Member Education and Financial Awareness videos
  • Review retirement Options
  • Attend benefits presentations - TRS counselor will provide information you need to know about your benefits.
  • TRS counselor will provide information you need to know about your benefits.

TRS will provide a service credit purchase statement for eligible purchases.

  • If needed, schedule an appointment with a Benefits Counselor

TRS counselor will meet with you one-on-one to review your retirement estimate and guide you through the paperwork.

Step 2

6 MONTHS prior to your retirement date, submit:
  • Form TRS 30—Application for Service Retirement

TRS processes application for retirement within 31 days of receipt. You will receive a Retirement Application Acknowledgment (Form TRS 32).

  • Driver’s license or birth certificate for age verification
  • Form TRS 228A—Federal Income Tax Withholding Certificate

TRS will use this to determine annuity payment Federal Income Tax Withholding.

  • Form TRS 227—Direct Deposit Request

Form TRS 227—Direct Deposit Request

Step 3

30-60 DAYS prior to retirement:
  • If you are currently employed by a TRS-covered entity, notify your employer of your intent to retire/terminate all employment with TRS-covered entities
  • Form TRS 7 – Notice of Final Deposit before Retirement and School Official Certification of Salaries should be given to your employer Your employer must complete and submit

TRS certifies retirement and annuity payment information. TRS sends a final letter. Completion time: Usually within 31 days of receipt of all paperwork.

  • Review and consider available health options

NEISD Employee Benefits

Premium Rates Sheet

Benefits We Offer

Resigning and Retirement