Johnson Students Certified Volunteer Tax Preparers

Congratulations to the 65 winners who competed at the DECA District Competition.

Johnson Students Participate in the BexarFest

Earned Best Newcomer Award

  • We will build the future by aligning our teaching to industry needs so that our students are prepared to answer the call of the demands of our community’s economy and workforce.


    Slider Images



    Use the  Image Editor to edit the image you would like to use on the slider


    It will allow you to upload an image to the specific size it needs to be (800X300)


    Once you upload it, click on the following button to download it. button


    *this image is downloaded with the word "-cropped" attached to the title.



    When you are ready to upload the image to files and folders upload the cropped version of the image. 


    To add the image to the slider click the more button, then get link:




    Enter that url within the minibase titled CTE Slider