

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Aaron Carter

Welcome to the school year and my web page!

I am Coach Carter and am entering my 24th year in education.  I have taught in San Antonio, as well as Colorado, Georgia, and Maryland.  Texas is home and I have been glad to be back for the last 8 years!  This is my second year at Reagan High School and I could not be more excited to be back in this environment.  This year I am taking on roles as assistant baseball coach, assistant football coach, and Algebra 2 teacher.  I look forward to helping these students set and achieve their goals this year!  Strike 'em!!

  • 1st Varsity Football

    2nd Algebra 2

    3rd Algebra 2

    4th Algebra 2

    5th Freshmen Football

    6th Lunch

    7th Conference

    8th Varsity Baseball