Any student with a parent reported or physician documented severe food allergy must have a current written physician’s order/severe allergy action plan on file with the school nurse. North East ISD, in compliance with SB 27, 82 Legislative Session, has a comprehensive food allergy management plan in place. Key elements of the plan include the following:

    • identification of students with food allergies at risk for anaphylaxis;
    • development/implementation/monitoring of Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) and/or Emergency Care Plan (ECP);
    • reducing risk of exposure within school setting;
    • training for school staff for recognition of anaphylaxis and appropriate emergency response;
    • post anaphylaxis reaction review of policy and procedures.

    Please contact Health Services at (210) 356-9244 or call your student’s school nurse at (210) 407-8003 or email at  pleinw@neisd.net.

    Parent resource: https://www.foodallergy.org.


    A Diabetes Management and Treatment Plan developed by the physician and parent/guardian is required for students with diabetes who need treatment or care at school or at a school-related function (Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 168).

    The treatment plan should be reviewed, together by the parents, campus nurse, and principal. Diabetic care in the elementary school requires trained personnel to accompany a student with diabetes on field trips. Options will be given for a staff member volunteer to become proficient in diabetese management, but this is not guaranteed. We will do our best to accommodate every need, but parents may need to plan to accompany their students with diabetes on filed trips. Please consult with us in the clinic with any concerns at pleinw@neisd.net or (210) 407-8003.

    Seizure Conditions

    Please notify clinic staff if your student has a history of seizure activity. The appropriate staff members (teachers and administrators) will be notified of the student's history and need for attention. Teachers are trained to identify symptoms of seizures and to protect your student, if necessary, while the clinic is notified for appropriate medical response.

    Emergency medications for seizure management must be provided to the clinic along with the appropriate physician orders signed by a physician and the student's parent. Please see the secontion on medication management for more details regarding medications in school. Below is a link to the seizure action plan that you may download to fill out for your student.


    This information, and more, is published in pages 68-69 of the NEISD Elementary School Student/Parent Handbook.